Our Work

Sofa Refurbishment - 2023

Since 2015, we've collaborated closely with the Irwanteam Hairdesign team to ensure the quality of their sofas, allowing customers to unwind and relax in the salon. Our fast and convenient midnight service ensures the job is completed on-site in just 2 days.

Sofa Refurbishment - 2023 - Irwanteam Hair Design Summarecon Mall Bekasi (SMB) - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa Refurbishment - 2023 - Irwanteam Hair Design Summarecon Mall Bekasi (SMB) - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa Refurbishment - 2023 - Irwanteam Hair Design Summarecon Mall Bekasi (SMB) - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa Refurbishment - 2023 - Irwanteam Hair Design Summarecon Mall Bekasi (SMB) - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa Refurbishment - 2023 - Irwanteam Hair Design Summarecon Mall Bekasi (SMB) - Beta2Helloilmare

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