Our Work

Sofa refurbishment - 2022

Dum Dum Group is an innovated F&B company Group. They just opened a coffeeshop in Tangerang area, we helped to change the sofas so that the customers who come to the coffeeshop can have a better experience.

Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Dum Dum Cafe & HQ, Gading serpong - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Dum Dum Cafe & HQ, Gading serpong - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Dum Dum Cafe & HQ, Gading serpong - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2022 - Dum Dum Cafe & HQ, Gading serpong - Beta2Helloilmare

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