Our Work

Sofa refurbishment - 2020

Bamed Skin Care is a reputable Skin and Beauty brand with many locations. Focusing on beauty and health, Bamed entrusted us to rejuvenate its sofas in several branches since 2020. Among them are Meruya, Darmawangsa, and Bekasi branches.

Sofa refurbishment - 2020 - Bamed skincare clinic - Meruya - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2020 - Bamed skincare clinic - Meruya - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2020 - Bamed skincare clinic - Meruya - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2020 - Bamed skincare clinic - Meruya - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2020 - Bamed skincare clinic - Meruya - Beta2Helloilmare
Sofa refurbishment - 2020 - Bamed skincare clinic - Meruya - Beta2Helloilmare

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